Sunday 17 April 2016

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Study in Bulgaria

In spite of Bulgaria being a less popular study destination, students receive high-quality education. Increasing mobility and links between Bulgarian higher education systems and universities around Europe provide great diversity and lead to a
strong foundation for a future career.
Bulgaria´s higher education system was reorganized in the mid-1990s, after the fall of the communist regime. Between 1995 and 2002, the number of university graduates increased from 33,000 to 50,000. In 2002, 42 institutions of higher learning were available in the country, with 215,700 students enrolled. Since 2007, Bulgaria is a member of the European Union and Bulgarian Higher Education degrees are fully recognised in EU member states.
Presently, higher education institutions include Universities, Colleges and Specialized Education Schools. All institutions of Higher Education in Bulgaria are autonomous and responsible for programme design and quality. Almost all universities in the country have Bulgarian accreditation and some have double accreditation from foreign institutions.

Higher education degrees

Higher education in Bulgaria provides applicants with the following degrees options:
  • College degree – obtained after three years of studies;
  • Bachelor’s degree – obtained after three to four years of studies;
  • Master’s degree – obtained after one year with a completed Bachelor’s degree (or 5 years if taken directly after graduating high-school);
  • PhD or Doctorate degree – obtained after three years of studies, only available for applicants with a Master’s degree.

General application requirements

Documents required for a Bulgarian university application include:
  • A completed application form;
  • A validated copy and a certified translation of the applicant’s high-school diploma;
  • Applicants for Master’s degree courses should present a validated copy and a certified translation of a diploma (Bachelor’s or Master’s) accompanied by a transcript of study records;
  • A medical certificate issued not earlier than one month before the application procedure;
  • A photocopy of the applicant’s passport/identity card;
  • Four recent photographs of the applicant;
  • Certificate of English, French or German proficiency for those wishing to study in an international language. If you have good command of the language and you do not have an international certificate, you may take a language test at a Bulgarian high education institution.
Admission criteria vary between Bulgarian universities. In most cases, admission is based on application file documents, without an entrance exam. The only exam is for prospective European students who need to apply for a Bulgarian scholarship.

Study courses

Bulgarian study courses are available in various fields such as medicine, mathematics, computer sciences, engineering, chemistry, biology, linguistics, etc. Students choosing to complete a medical degree in Bulgaria are free to take internships in countries throughout the EU.
International student wishing to study in Bulgarian must follow a preparatory one-year course. These are designed for students who require additional knowledge of language of instruction or who need to review basic science subjects for university studies. Citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, who would like to receive financial assistance from the Bulgarian Government, must learn Bulgarian.

Teaching methods

Courses are career-focused and lectures interest-driven. Classes take place in compact study groups. Extracurricular activities allow students to gather helpful life experience while enjoying their free time. Tutoring is a common practice in Bulgaria, supporting personal and professional improvement.


Bulgarian Universities have more than 20 years of experience in teaching international languages such as English, French or German. Some Bulgarian Universities offer classes taught in English, French or German and provide double degrees through partnerships with universities abroad. Some universities offer programmes fully taught in English.


Consultation services assist international students looking to study in Bulgaria by providing information and help with the application process and moving to the country. Students receive personalized counselling for choosing a Bulgarian university that is right for them. Comprehensive continuous support services are available throughout the academic year.